White Folks LOST THEIR MINDS: Caitlin Clark HIT WITH MAGA BACKLASH Race & Privilege

well y’all Time magazine named Caitlyn Clark the athlete of the year and she made some comments in her interview that Lord has driven white Maga out of their minds uh this is what she had to say at the event where they revealed uh the covers and even today earlier today Megan Kelly she was saying that you were apologizing for your white privilege and the fact that you wanted to uplift black female athletes and make sure that they were getting the shine kind of like your Pioneers were getting the shine that they deserved and I just want to know how you feel or how you respond to some of those criticisms when you have to deal with something that it’s really not your problem like I feel like it’s them looking in a mirror a little bit but it still comes down on your shoulders I feel like I always have had really good perspective on everything that’s kind of happened in my life whether that’s been good whether that’s been bad um and then obviously coming into the WNBA like I’ve said I feel like I’ve earned every single thing that’s happened to me over the course of my career but also I grew up a fan of this league from a very young age like my favorite player was Maya Mo like I know what this league was about um and like I said like it’s only been around 25 plus years so I know there’s been so many amazing black women that have been in this league and continuing to up uplift them I think is very important and um that’s something I’m very aware of um and like I said like I try to just be real and authentic and you know share my truth and I think that’s very easy for me like I’m very comfortable in my own skin um and that’s kind of been how it is my entire life yes [Applause] and you’ll never be able to make everyone happy and someone that knows that at the age of 22 like let’s go I I mean I think I have good perspective on that and like I said in the article um which turned out amazing I thought it was great um I said I feel like one of my best skills is just blocking things out like I don’t I don’t really the only opinions I really care about are the people that I love my teammates my coaches the people inside of our locker room um the people that I see every every single day and I know have the you know my best interest at heart too so um I think my best skill is just blocking out the noise and hopefully it continues to be because um with the way things are going and where the WNBA is going you want that attention and you embrace it and that’s what makes this so fun yeah I’m just so thankful that you are the leader like you are the chosen one in the future of the sport because of the allyship the truth and the the willingness to stand and say things if you have to but I also think the Nuance that you use in that article and I hope everyone gets a chance to read it well y’all the white folk that lost their mind Charlie Kirk you know that white racist who leads turnning Point USA this was a tweet that he posted y’all go ahead and show it Caitlin Clark is getting very bad advice the whole country is rejecting wokeism and anti-white ideology she has a chance to stay neutral and failed miserably her handlers saw this as a chance to quote keep woke alive unquote too bad she’s an amazing athlete who totally missed on this one then of course you got this white woman um um what’s her name Riley gains now she done made a name for herself because uh she swam she swam uh she she was in some swimming competition she lost to a transgender athlete but she came in fifth place so ain’t like she’s a winner at anything but she’s got like 1.4 million followers uh and so they made her this superhero on the right uh and so she’s been commen on everything left and right uh and so again I don’t I mean I don’t know what she’s actually done what she’s actually accomplished ever so this is what this fool tweeted y’all go ahead and pull it up uh no one was asking for Caitlyn Clark to position herself as a right-wing hero all she needed to do was remain neutral she’s a she’s a Phenom who inspires countless young girls to play and Achieve so I still have great admiration for her but she missed the mark on this uh columnist author uh podcast host Jamal Hill joins me right now and Lord Jamal these white folks are beside themselves let’s just call it they desperately wanted Caitlyn Clark to be the great white First Let Me Hold on let me pull all together they want her to be the great white uh Christian perfect antiblack uh woman loves a man uh superhero they that that’s what they wanted I mean and so they are losing their mind because she dared showed respect to the black basketball players before her because they hate the WNBA they they hate the black lesbians they hate the black people they they they hate the because they take the stands that’s all this is about and they are showing their real racist position yeah yeah I mean Roland I’m so glad that you broke it down that way because we knew most of us that had follow women’s college basketball and follow Caitlyn Clark’s career in particular we saw some of the people forming behind uh Caitlyn Clark and formation people she didn’t asked to form behind her so they essentially weaponized Caitlyn Clark’s success they weaponized her per uh her uh popularity and they made her their avatar for everything they can’t stand about black women let’s just call it what it is and when she didn’t deliver that to them they got mad just like they got mad when she liked the Taylor Swift post social media post of Taylor Swift endorsing KLA Harris they lost their mind in so we see the common theme Here Roland whenever Caitlin Clark shows any level of appreciation or respect for black women they hate her guts and so their position could not be more clear and obvious because I’m just laughing like you know y’all did all this talk when you thought she was your personal superhero and now she’s disappointed you because she said something that was so freaking obvious anybody could see it it’s like yes this league was built on the backs of black women who contributed need I remind people who started the WNBA the core group they started it around it was Cheryl swoops it was Lisa lesie and it was Rebecca Lobo two of those three are black women and the history of the game is littered with black women who have made contributions she said a long time ago Caitlyn Clark did that her favorite player ever was Maya Moore so this is just so laughable and it’s so predictable and now Riley gains who honestly she need to thank trans athletes because it what if it wasn’t for the trans swimmer she lost to we wouldn’t even know who she was all and at all like and Megan Kelly uh who I also heard has something to say about this um you know hey I’m sorry that she’s not she doesn’t hate black people the way that you y’all wish that she did I mean look look at this some of the people were hit and hurt y’all go to my iPad wow so disappointed you came into the madeup fantasy world of delusional left I was such a big fan of you not because you’re white because you’re amazingly talented fool it’s a whole bunch of black it’s a whole bunch of other white women in the WNBA who can ball and then goes unfortunately your ego and attitude is starting to stink more than your skill shine you had a huge platform to bring people together and said you were choosing to push people apart this some other dumb ass CC have you not learned 76 million people just voted no unwoke and yes for Trump you cave you blew it uh somebody else nope no longer supporting you you cave what’s wrong with your team May threatening you how sad I was about to buy a jersey for my daughter hell no I’m back to the shadows for the WNBA she really betrayed her whole fan base WTF at least we know she’s in it for the money now nice Time Magazine though I guess all the people who defended you for how bad you were treated have now been betrayed by youth such a disappointment just go ahead and say we are some racist crackers I mean they they they literally told on themselves rer because if okay like the the comment that you just read a moment ago the the person who tweeted that or or whatever post social media post they put that in they said that you we thought you brought people together again all those people who are complaining and who are now anti- Caitlyn Clark why are you so mad that she actually showed respect for the women that were before who happen to be black don’t you think you need to be asking yourself what is it about black women that’s so bother ome to me that the idea of someone else being respectful of their contributions is so off-putting that I would sit up here and be upset and mad about it to the point where I won’t buy my little girl a jersey like your little girl can’t idolize someone who respects other races and other cultures I thought that’s what y’all wanted y’all said that y’all want unifying you know y’all want a unifier y’all want somebody that brings people together well part of being brought together is being able to appreciate respect and understand other cultures and you know I thought the Time Magazine piece I think what they also hated Roland on top of her showing respect to black women is the fact that she debunked a lot of the narratives that they let run around in their head for the last year about this woman you know this idea they were the ones that ran with this idea that Caitlyn Clark was being targeted by these big bad black lesbians and and black female basketball players and she said very plainly in this piece she never felt targeted and all of those kind of silly ideas they had running around in their mind that she was somehow being bullied and discriminated against by these black women and that wasn’t the case at all in fact it’s it’s black women quoted in the piece talking about what a great teammate she was and and you know how they you know tried to help her transition into the WNBA and all these things so it’s just not even the fact that she is showing some kind of respect for these other players in the league and the players that came before is also the fact that they have nothing that they can use to hate on the league that most of them weren’t even a fans of a fan of or players they weren’t a fan of they just like the idea of being able to rub Caitlyn Clark’s success and her popularity in the faces of black women that they couldn’t stand to begin with here was a tweet from super white woman Megan Kelly uh you know you know the one who actually uh said that Santa was white and blackace was cool uh look at this she’s on the knee all but apologizing for being white and getting attention the self flatulation the old please pay attention to the black players who are really the ones you want to celebrate condescending fake transparent sad no no no you’re fake Megan because you failed at NBC because the public saw you as nothing but being a lousy right-wing hack that’s why you couldn’t cut it that NBC and it was stupid to pay you all that money and they gave you $69 million to leave and so you suck Megan Kelly and so you’re showing us exactly who you are you’re showing us that your white Cape matches your white Hood that’s all this is and so they and so I mean they are so angry because she’s talking about the history of the game you you cannot talk about the history of women’s basketball and not talk about the great black ball players she’s just stating a fact yeah I mean that was it it was just all facts and you know the other thing too Roland and Caitlyn Clark actually said this in the time piece is how insulted she felt by a lot of the narratives that people created about her and now all of a sudden you have people on the right like Megan Kelly like Riley gains like I saw Ben Shapiro he of course had stupid things to say cuz that’s what he does uh now they’re all trying to act like she was somehow bullied and pressured into making these comments so not only are they upset that she has showed a level of respect and knowledge of the game of women’s basketball they have played Caitlyn Clark like she’s some mindless puppet that can’t think for herself if you know even a little bit about the game as you said there are so many black shoulders the game has been built and built upon and that’s not to say that there hasn’t been some tremendous iconic white players in the league Diana T terasi is one for example Briana Stewart I mean there’s you know uh uh an Myers I mean there’s a ton of white players that have contributed to the game of women’s basketball but a great many of them have also been black and that’s all she was saying and so as a lot of us in uh Sports called out especially a lot of us black journalists we called this out a long time ago you know we said that basically we see what you all are doing you’re using Caitlyn Clark to get your racist takes off and now that she does you find out that she doesn’t support that nonsense now you upset and you mad at her and you want to call her weak-minded and you want to say that she’s being pressured and bullied and she’s going woke and all these other euphemisms for the fact that you just a racist and she just exposed you even more simple as that jbelle we appreciate it thanks much anytime appreciate let me go to my panel y’all of course La Victoria Burke uh join us right now uh we got joy Cheney we got uh Dr Greg car let’s get right into it uh Lauren this tweet here pretty much uh sums up what Jamal was just saying the person says I hate KAIT Lin Clark now because it turns out she’s not a racist piece of [ __ ] like me as I assume she was and that is so disappointing she’s cancelled 80 to 90% of conservative America right now cry more you cons that’s all they are yeah the entire thing is kind of a racial Roar Shack test in terms of uh people applying the thoughts that that are in their head onto some someone else I mean every time uh any of this has come up with K Caitlyn Clark it’s because some journalist has asked her about it or somehow it’s brought up by some sort of outside force but what it all really boils down to is that um there’s a lot of people out there that want this discussion because of the commer of content uh I think the media wants this discussion I don’t know that Caitlyn Clark ever really wanted this discussion but but now they have it and now they’re not getting the answer that they want um and uh it is really sort of built on this idea that she was supposed to be the you know certainly the the idea that she was you know the best player they wanted her to be the best player in women’s basketball and Superior to all others and all of that and then that didn’t happen she loses the national championship but then she comes back into the professional women’s basketball league and does really well but the uh the thing that’s so funny about it is that it sort of reminds me of so many things uh when you anytime you have a white person who Champions or platforms black people in this way they often are sort of called crazy you know so you know she must be confused or her handlers I mean this the Charlie Kirk thing is particularly revealing although he’s an idiot so you can’t really read too deeply into anything he says but the idea that somehow there’s something wrong with her or her handlers like they sat down that that night before and made this decision to make these statements because of course Charlie Kirk being a racist who is completely obsessed on the subject matter thinks that everybody else is obsess obsessed with the subject matter and they’re not she’s just speaking as another human being so it is fascinating to see the sort of rosack test quality of this moment uh and uh it is quite satisfying I have to say it really is I mean the these people here’s the deal joy we always knew who they were we always knew and all they’re doing is as Jamal said they’re just telling on themselves right that’s right I mean this is what we always know and you know I talk gender and part of this is about wanting women to fight wanting women to be angry with each other wanting to pick heterosexual women against lesbian women trans women against C women black black women against white women anything and if it was two white women they’d come up with something for them to fight about you know this this is race this is gender this is everything we saw in the election it’s better if they keep us at each other’s throat and what Caitlyn said was noas I’m not doing this I’m not fighting with Taylor Swift I’m not fighting against KLA Harris I’m not fighting against other black women in the league she’s still also owned her own greatness too right she said I earned everything I got but I can still acknowledge and celebrate the success of other women because I do it on their shoulders good for her I I I have always liked her I like her even more now and it’s a reminder for us too never to fall privy and prey to their their efforts to divide us that’s what it’s about and the people that are posting their trolls they trolls and they’re just angry because Caitlyn showed them up I I’m I’m just laughing Adam Greg uh and and I always say this here I always appreciate when a racist shows me exactly who they are I agree I’d laugh at them if it wasn’t so boring uh there’s never been a time when we whoever the hell that is were United so the idea of attempts to dividing us that’s just a hisor IAL and let’s be very clear she is an avatar she is a representative and there’s nothing she can do about that uh she’s made some statements that are important to make because it’s like saying oh the sun is in the sky yeah and people say yes everybody calm down let me be very clear Sports is a proxy for war okay and there’s one team in a war of white supremacy it’s whiteness you put the verses there and it’s everybody not Detroit versus everybody but all du respect our sister Jamal Hill but whiteness versus everybody let’s be very clear I’ve been following the women’s game since my girl was a forward for Tennessee state’s tiger gems oh by the way parenthetically HBCU have a history women’s teams of not being lady anything else tiger gems tiger Bells tackle Sharps they have their own identity you won’t find that in white teams in college but my point is this I’m old enough to remember the American basketball league that’s the league that was partially owned by the players that David Stern and his friends put out of business by creating the WNBA at a loss for years because they didn’t want any type of formation that would put them out of business this is a race war Caitlyn cart is an avatar and it and this has always been the case this is Texas Western versus University Kentucky this is bird and Magic that revived the NBA this is Tiger Woods versus everybody at the end of the day you got to make a choice okay and my question is very simple when are we going to be more sophisticated about this and the and make these people stop playing in our faces bill bich then signed for the University of North Carolina cuz he’s taking the NFL to the to the college up ranks where it already is and he’s not even trying to pretend about it these aren’t student athletes they’re employees K M Clark is an employee and guess who’s not going to stand against her Sports Illustrated the WNBA I’m no I’m sorry who’s not going to stand against those white nationalist all those people who are looking to profit from those white Nationals who will say Okay that was great she said that but let’s be clear we’ve never been on the side of black women and that includes black queer women we’ve never been on the side of black people and we will never be on the side of black people and once they figure out what this what she said will test against their market value they may ask her to go in a yeah we all agree but could you be a little quiet cuz we want those races coming to our games at some point can we just stop uh playing like we don’t understand what this is well we know exactly what it is uh and Megan Kelly can just go to hell she really can she really can she shows on a daily basis how trash she really really is but then again we’ve always known that hi I’m Isaac H III founder and CEO of fan base fan base is a free to download free to use Next Generation social media platform that allows anyone to have followers and subscribers on the same page fanes was built through investment dollars from Equity crowdfunding from the jobs ACT people just like you help build fan and we’re looking for more people to help build fan base we are currently raising $17 million in a regulation a crowd fund on start engine we’ve already crossed $2.1 million but we’re looking to raise more capital from people just like you that deserve the opportunity to invest in early stage startups without having to be accredited investors so right now I’d like you to go to startengine.com SL fan base and invest the minimum to invest is $399 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