[Music] Brigham Young a towering figure in Mormonism began his professional career as a carpenter and painter born in 1801 and to a poor Vermont farming family Brigham Young was the ninth of 11 children at age 16 young left home to start a career as a carpenter painter and farmer he married his first wife in 1824 and in 1829 the couple moved to Minden New York which was close to the city where Joseph Smith was in the final stages of preparing the Book of Mormon although he had converted to methodism in 1823 young was drawn toward Smith’s newly formed church called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from his first encounter with the Book of Mormon in 1830 2 years later he was baptized into the Mormon church and became a missionary the rest of Young’s life was spent in service to the Mormon Church Brigham Young helped support Joseph Smith against the Hostile communities that drove Mormons out of their territory iies he
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